
Showing posts with the label quirky

My Drawings

I just wanted to show my art. Here's a grouped photo! I will be selling these on Etsy very, very soon. Let me know what your opinion is.

Deciding where to start...

Well unfortunately, I deleted a post while trying to format the html. The main points were that I recently got an important piece of advice. To do only one thing at a time, which although not my style I learned a valuable lesson. To be happy as long as I get one thing done a day in the process of opening my business. That's why getting my business cards was so important to me. It just makes it all real and pulls together my vision. I am so excited about opening my business because it is always something I dreamed about. I would sit at my kitchen table and pretend to sell drawings to my mom or pretend like I was having my own craft show. So this is a really big thing for me. My art is colorful and bright and fun and it always puts a smile n my face. Like I hope it does for others. That's the most important reason why I love to make art, after all. It has always been about making others' people's days after the pull of how much it calms me an brings me to a...

Drawing of a Psychadellic Monster

I drew this simple drawing in crayon as part of a group challenge. He has three eyes, tusks, and long legs against a beautiful sky of stars. I was really amused by how the colors blended so well. Crayon always has a surprisingly cool effect even though I feel like it is too often avoided. **If anyone wants to share this, please reference where you got it from.*** Please leave comment (be nice!).