Creative Dreams... (Confession Time)

Hey guys! I've been feeling really bad about my art lately so I woke up with an epiphany today. I'm going to try harder when it comes to creating my art because I feel I've just been skimming the top layer of my potential and not really digging in there. This is my passion and I honestly feel like it's my calling so I must try harder. I owe it to anyone who follows me for my art and to myself. From now on, I'm going to stop listening to the haters and naysayers and just give more better quality stuff, because I know I'm strongly creative and it wouldn't do a lick of sense to not try. Here's something I'm working on.

I want to thank the people who follow me on my social media & have shown support. Maybe some are in it for ulterior motives (boo.) But I'm going to try harder for those who actually enjoy my stuff. I'm going to work harder on finding ways to create texture and come up with things that are bright & happy & inspirational. 

Yes I know it's just a tree but I'm experimenting with texture & patterns and getting all the junky ideas out so I can get my pearls of wisdom. :) Mostly getting myself inspired.  Leave a comment (I'll add disqus later so if you can't google plus you can check back later if you want to comment. )

As always, photo & design is copyright ME (Katie) or Quirky Heartmade but since it's still at my development stage kind of hard to believe you'd want to steal. I don't know why I'm so hard on myself lately. Just letting the people who'd rather me give up than push myself to succeed get to me. :( Don't let people get you down about something you really enjoy.  :) Might not be everyone's cup of tea but sometimes you know what's best for you. And I think pushing myself to be better at art is my inner wisdom. 

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