Makeover Time in a CRISIS CENTER!!!
As you might know it's been a rough last 4 years for me. I've been molested, found out my mom was dying and oh yeah... Lost my mind to a special gift called schizophrenia. I can't be downed anymore than I am. Oh yeah and almost shot at. And how did this all occur?... Well flash back 4 years to a simpler time where I was intellectually on my game & designing my own handbags. I was starting a fashion line, I was raging in YouTube videos and had just graduated college. I felt thrilled about the prospects even though I knew and frantically went about my way with my mom having undergone multiple surgeries for an aneurysm and cirrhosis of the liver. While my mom was sick I dated a guy I met in middle school. Not realizing HOW UNHEALTHY the relationship was with him constantly making me miserable and him making me out to be bad for simply living like a little kid that loved art and wanted to celebrate every day. We knew everything about each other and hated everything about...