Makeover Time in a CRISIS CENTER!!!

As you might know it's been a rough last 4 years for me. I've been molested, found out my mom was dying and oh yeah... Lost my mind to a special gift called schizophrenia. I can't be downed anymore than I am. Oh yeah and almost shot at.
And how did this all occur?... Well flash back 4 years to a simpler time where I was intellectually on my game & designing my own handbags. I was starting a fashion line, I was raging in YouTube videos and had just graduated college. I felt thrilled about the prospects even though I knew and frantically went about my way with my mom having undergone multiple surgeries for an aneurysm and cirrhosis of the liver. While my mom was sick I dated a guy I met in middle school. Not realizing HOW UNHEALTHY the relationship was with him constantly making me miserable and him making me out to be bad for simply living like a little kid that loved art and wanted to celebrate every day. We knew everything about each other and hated everything about each other. The only thing holding us together was our fervent animosity towards each other. He hated all the times I was playful and I wished I had a bf who was less domineering and volatile. I just wanted a gentler, more kind and giving relationship. I felt like I was always giving without any gratitude.

I love makeup just as much as the next girl but guess what? I love doing dorky videos in the hotel bathroom.

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