Random Painting Objects: Pt 1

The contenders in the fight for best weird, random object to paint with are:

The spoon weighing in at less than a pound, with a rounded head and thin handle

The straw weighing in at a couple ounces as a cylindrical object

The whisk weighing heavier than the straw but lighter than the spoon. A common household object for many! Let's hear it for the whisk. Might be perfect for making batter but how will it do with painting a masterpiece?

Scissors, a very formidable opponent. No stranger to the crafting scene but can it paint?

Light as a feather because it is one! Brightly colored and small in size, nowadays it's used often in crafts but in olden days was used for a very similar purpose. How will it work here?

Watch the video to see how these opponents throw down the paint!


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