My website/OFFICIAL blog quirkyheartmade.com (3 random weekly posts HERE!!!!)  ❤
Instagram: @quirkyheartmade
Etsy(quirkyheartmade.etsy.com)/Tshirt Shop (Link in tabs): Wednesday
Youtube Videos: Friday & Saturday  youtube.com/c/Quirkyheartmade1

It's amazing to be FINALLY giving myself an official schedule for all my wonderful projects I'm involved in! It feels real now! Woo hoo! I love my art! Hope you find something you enjoy in all the things I'm creating! Such a big part of my heart! ❤

I even designed an end screen banner for my YouTube videos!

If only you knew how far I've came this year! It's the little things that matter to me like creating something new or getting that one more follower. :-D or creating all the things in my mind! Keeping busy doing all the things I love!

I got a crazy mind but I've planning and thinking of this for a very long time, so actually taking these actions is like so crazy to me! :-) But in the best possible way!

By the way 2 artsy, diy videos coming this weekend! Isn't that awesome? I borrowed a family members' camera but the memory pooped out, so we will be working with my computer, instead. Unless something MIRACULOUS happens. :-P Just gives me another chance to be CREE-A-TIVE! :-D


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