Morning Walk Inspiration Posts

I hadn't done this type of post in a while but I love trees and nature, so here's some cool things I saw on my morning walk Christmas Eve morning.
Something so introspective and artsy and cool about taking pictures of your shadow.
Just some pretty cool dying flowers near my house. I thought they looked so pretty even though you can't see the one on the right perfectly. Sorry there isn't a better picture. The sun was also glaring in my eyes like it is on the flower.
This tree was so cool, because how the leafs are it almost reminds me of one of the mobiles that hangs over a baby's bassinet. Like you should almost be able to spin the top of the trees to get the leafs to sway in a circular fashion.
Somebody looking for the evergreens? I think I found some.
That concludes my morning stroll. Leave a comment saying "nature is awesome" if you want me to do more of these types of inspirational posts!


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