Smitten by My Art...

Ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of being an artist. I thought it was so cool and special if I made someone art. I would sit at my kitchen table and draw nonstop because I was so in love with it. I had a super active imagination, because I couldn't really get outside much. Maybe that's why I still have an active imagination?
Well, one of the times I made a drawing was for this cute little boy in my kindergarten class. You know how you make those notes with do you like me. Check yes or no? Well I made him a drawing to go along with it, because I thought for sure he would be impressed by me if I did something super mushy like that, so I drew him a picture with that note attached and passed it down the lunch table. That's how I got my first boyfriend. He "accidentally" threw it away with his lunch. I was so insulted. I mean my art was everything to me.
I still was his girlfriend, though. We would hold hands and walk past tables. I felt so grown up, until he left me for another girl. I know. ..a kindergarten version of Jerry Springer. Lol. He looked at me from our tables and said "I like her now." Oh...
I was crushed. I thought I gave him something special. At the time giving my art was such a big part of me. Apparently not. Lol. The things that hurt your feelings when you're 6 years old.
I don't know where I thought it would lead. I mean in some ways it wasn't that bad, because I knew my kindergarten art wasn't all there was to life. I just thought this kind of thing happened to adults not kids but such is life...
One of my biggest lessons from it? Boys will come and go, but my art has always been there to get me through the good and bad times.


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