Finding Direction in Life

*Today I feel more like journaling than anything so I can share being 22 & questioning life.*
copyright Quirky Heartmade. All rights reserved.

copyright Quirky Heartmade. All rights reserved.
Hey guys! Trying to balance the blogging with school & everything. One thing school always does is get you thinking about what you want for the future. Ever since I became single I've been a lot more energetic and trying to find the things that fit myself- finding my independent identity after so many years of dating and defining myself based on my longest term love interest. As an adult, you don't really want to rely on anyone else for your sense of identity and that was really starting to frustrate because I wanted to truly find myself. I look around and I question what I want to do with my life because I absolutely love being creative in whatever capacity that takes on. I see the things I've created for close relationships and it inspires me to create more and to take on bigger challenges for other people. I've been told by others I see the world differently because I see beauty in the most interesting places.

All my recent experiences make me wonder where I want to take my art. I want to use art to help people solve their own problems. I feel like it gets me through so many issues that I know that visual elements and being surrounded by something that is pretty can uplift other people's spirits, too. Sometimes I'm even amazed at the things I can create. I've made books & larger art pieces for other people and it really is quite wonderful to see the things I can come up with. Creating is my source of comfort. It brings out the best in me when I'm coming up with concepts or generally designing.

My fear is that being a full-time creative entrepreneur will bring too much solidarity. That's why I love blogging and social media. Even though I enjoy doing work independently. I also like being around other energetic people who can teach me a thing or two & push my creative boundaries, but in a supportive way! Maybe my problem is that I look too hard for the wrong things instead of accepting the things I know are a perfect fit? I feel motivated to help people and come up with my own ideas all the time.

I'm working on redesigning my website in muse so I am placing an emphasis on interaction and helping to make stuff for people that fits their needs.

Bottom Line? I love helping people through art and getting creative independence to do those projects, which is why I want to work with people to help bring their creative thoughts to life. That's going to be the basis of my redesigned website. Art & design...combined with my art shops.


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