Taking pictures as I was walking home earlier. It was raining so my camera on my phone didn't want to cooperate but I got some fun ones. I always feel like a crazy person taking pictures for my blog but it speaks to my soul(not helping me here, Katie.) and I honestly love taking pictures.  
I included this first image on my IG(@quirkyheartmade). Side note: My Instagram could definitely use some serious work but I love bright, happy colors and creating and all of my creative passions together start to look :P ...overwhelming. :-D
I loved the colors of the street lamp bouncing off my face to create that lovely side halo. Isn't it interesting? I was not happy with the rain, as you can tell. Rain..rain...go away, but don't because you make more fun pictures to take. :D

That's such a beautiful texture and the bleariness of the rain and all the streetlamps bouncing off of everything creating fun glow-y effects. I have to admit...I think the haziness from my phone just added to the texture created, because it made it blurry while creating a somewhat halo.

You have to admit when streetlights hit puddles of rain on a sidewalk it looks oftly pretty. I was reminded of Louisiana and Mardi Gras with how colorful it always is in tourist ads. Gorgeous! That or where Ashbury-Haights (the original hippy district) with all the brightly hued houses. I want to go so bad.

Me obviously not happy with the rain. I needed a picture of my unhappiness. Lol. I look angry. I'm not angry. I'm just super annoyed because every car that went by me splashed me with giant puddles of water. Not to mention there were 2 or 3 big trucks that went by. Sidewalks are the splash zone apparently.
The wetness of those boards is fascinating. I just thought this was kind of an artsy thing to do. :) I'm fascinated by this gallery, because I always think rain creates awesome effects. 
I like taking pictures, because I think it's light-hearted and fun and capturing what your perspective is on the world is what blogging is all about. Right?

***For information on posting images check conditions found on sidebar of webpage.**

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