Ready To Be Amused (I'm Back!!): Rebranding & Product Change[reupload from 2017]

My creative process has changed a lot in the recent months, so I feel like there's a TON to catch you up on. My basis of this rebranding was to create functional creative objects.


As you know I started working on a creative product line that I am PROUD to tell you is a handmade accessory line from handbags to jewelry (scroll down for pictures)!!!!! I will ALSO be designing t-shirts. I want to donate a certain amount of funds/proceeds to charity, because I feel it is important to give back. I still need to research that. I'll walk you through my thought process if you're interested.

Are You Amused?
First off, I plan on changing my business name from Quirky Heartmade to Amused Style. Big change, I know. What do you think? Think it's easier to remember and type out? That has been weighing on my shoulders for like 3 years- ever since I went with Quirky Heartmade. I want something that is memorable and easier to search for. Amused Style seems better.

Heart of My Creations
The happy style of my creations will still be the same. My website has gone through so many variations in the last couple months. I plan on adding more tools to my website to customize my creations better in the future. Right now, I am focusing on hand-sewing my handbags and fabric jewelry, which I already adore. I have already devoted many, many hours to hand-sewing my designs. I want more control over the process, because in my ideal world I'd be making clothes from scratch, too.

Products: Now and Future

  • handbags
  • tshirts
  • 3D ART
***I will explain my current products (i.e., benefits, inspiration) and NEW website fuller in future blog posts, along the way.***

Finding Balance
After much toying with my creative ideas I have discovered a good balance. I started my recent collection thinking I would have the resources to do a complete handmade accessory and clothing line. I soon discovered how much (time, money, etc.) goes into creating outfits from scratch and how much storage I would need, so I decided to start with a stronger emphasis on my accessory collection to gauge interest.

Keep scrolling after image...

Finding My Voice
My rebranding thoughts and even my recent lifestyle diet change (vegetarian) directed my course in creating a NEW brand based on nature but with my cutesy style. I honestly thought for the longest time it was just about creating things that were cute and I realized I needed to use my art as my voice to express the things I'm passionate about.

The Night I Discovered My True Nature
There was a night where I was working on my handbags- after sketching out different outfit designs- I was wondering which pattern to incorporate, because I saw it splitting in two vastly different directions. One was just a rough idea of popular objects and the other was an unrefined direction of nature and my cartoon-y style. It touched my heart and I knew I had to choose more of the nature direction, because it is a true-er representation of who I am.

Sorry that was soooo long, but I wanted to get you caught up. I'm really proud of everything I'm accomplishing. I feel like I've come a long way. What do you think of the name Amused Style over Quirky Heartmade? Let me know in the comments below. What do you think about the changes?

If you want you can follow me on Facebook (@amusedstyle) and Instagram (@amused_style). Once my website is complete I will embed this Google+ blog. Most links on this page are currently changing so don't be surprised if something is temporarily NOT working.

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