Share Your Time Capsule...*DIY BLOOPER VIDEO LINK*

In honor of leap day, I thought I would write a post about time capsules and what I think I would put in one to commemorate this period of my life. Kind of like tattoos if I wasn't a big baby about pain. Lol. I always thought time capsules were a pretty neat idea as a kid. What describes you in the current moment. Hmm...I had to think long and hard about this one to truly understand what makes me tick lately. What would you say describes you at the moment? Leave a comment below this post. I would love to know. We all are similar and yet different so it's interesting. Don't you think? We evolve so much and yet in a way there are core values that stick with us. As a kid I would've said art stuff, 90s rock music (Muse, Coldplay, etc.), etc. Now I think it is more along the lines of earmuffs (haha..I'll explain later), my phone, and my camera. Not to mention a pencil or two to represent my blogging and love of writing. Last year, I accomplished a lot...