
! What wouldn't I have done to see you in your real husbands arms and not infiltrated

  Nobody saw the side of my mom that I did with all the wild, eccentric characters that were passing through our lives and to be told...  This could have been our life...:!? I knew there was something suspicious about the idea of life without my sister?: I just knew we both had to hide out from her because she passively manipulated both of us in our own home; ? I couldn't protest or argue regardless of circumstances and my mom was trying to find herself but she won her battle with liver disease and with two months to go until our Uganda trip we were mercilessly and irrevocably defined by our mental statuses as socialites because nobody still knows the true worth of the ART KNOWN AS MY MOTHER'S SOUL because I was constantly trying to keep her from falling into a dark hole.....? Now to realize my husband's father who was a splitting image of him who also lost his life: lively(?) Was irreconcilable like me by the idea of our son consulting problems with drugs like who knew the
Ok! So my options here are NO WAY! AND YES WAY!!!! 


 I just wanna say i love you guys and as much as EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM THRALL MY WORLD AS A YES! 💒"""""-*ACTUAL ******GOD- I know something special the way God- Himself loves me is untrivial because there's nothing I wouldn't do for Him. Don't give me the Sun, the *MOON,;!✨💦📫 THE STARS,... THE *-💒✨💦📫 ANYTHING"✨ WITH+OUT🎭🙏🧁 THE MAGIC 🪄 OF H.I.M.... LOL.,..,, BECAUSE I'D RATHER TAKE God OVER Jesus Christ ANY DAY.....,,... ??📫 But in retrospect i need God:-; i just need a little bit of loving  *ADD MUSIC-----🧁🙏

PopTarts are Yummy!

Hi guys! It's been a long time since I posted anything. A lot has happened and it's really hard to talk about since I just got off an antidepressants <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why are kind people so quiet and lonely?</p>&mdash; Mind Haste ⚡️ (@MindHaste) <a href="">December 20, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

John loves me

 There was something so pretty about the glue and I hoped he liked his gift. There's something so evident about destruction. Like I appeal to it to or something even as weak as I am. Like I'm ready for a powerful position and this is a position I've been waiting for all my life fashion designer influencer marketer change the world change the global market space. I feel ready to render a new item gifted and hand new for someone else to enjoy. Will I design my own bin racks for fabrics?